It's been said that to judge a book by it's cover may lead to missing out on a great story. My story's not great. The next person's story may not be great. However, there's always the chance that it actually may be . . . And to discount something or someone - their possibility, their potential, their story, based solely on outward appearance or 'cover', per se', can only put the skeptical at a disadvantage without delving in, at least a little. A book with a beautifully bound cover, intricate with artwork front and back, may be nothing more than that. Empty of substance once cracking its spine, hollow. In the same deceptive way, a worn and tattered novel may be opened to reveal magic, mystery, adventure, romance, emotion, insight.
How bold to believe one has the discernment of knowing what either tale holds without actually picking it up, flipping through its pages, reading an excerpt or two, and finding out what each has to offer actually based on its content, rather than its possible deluding cover.

It seems it can only be beneficial to investigate a bit, get a taste for what the story holds, before passing judgement as to the subject at hand. Be it your next choice of reading material or a person you're only seeing from a distance, from the outside. What the inside holds just may surprise you.
As for me, I fall into the somewhat worn and tattered collection. (And by 'tattered', I mean 'tatted'.) Look closer - There's more to most than what can only be seen with the eyes.