What Makes Ya Talky Words

Earlie Cuyler: School? Ain't dat da durn place where they got all dem uhh lets see, whatcha call um uhh? Fold outs covered in scriblins wrote up all over.
Earlie Cuyler: uhh? Books?
Earlie Cuyler: uh-uh, uh-uh, No they square like a magazine.
Sheriff: Books Earlie.
Earlie Cuyler: Noo not not that, but something like that, I wanna say boooooo ... boooooooo ... Ya know, them things what makes ya talky words.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Really? Really.

I don't get it.  Things are weird.  Life is odd.  People are strange.  Where's my 'Life Manual'?  Can't find it. Must've misplaced it, along with my mind, dignity, and favorite pair of black heels that I've been on the quest to find for quite some time now.

At least I have these three to keep me grounded.  Although, I'm not sure, but they MAY have contributed to a few of those lost brain cells I don't think I'll ever recover.  Just a hunch.  However, they do keep my heart happy!  And I'll gladly exchange a bit of a smaller brain for a much larger heart.

Still . . . Why?  Why hurt? Why Alzheimer's?  Why confusion?  Why tears?  Why misunderstandings?  Why negativity?  Why death?  Why grace . . . Ah, grace.  Even in the midst of floundering, confusion and pain -- We're granted and given mercy and grace.  Sweet and undeserving, precious mercy and grace.  

Thank you, Father.  Thank you, friends.  Thank you, family.

Sounds all cliche' and stuff, but it's true ~ Without the grace, forgiveness, patience and mercy of these folks, I'd be a goner . . .


  1. I misplaced my "life manual" with yours but,I like this quote " Be grateful for your sins, because they are carriers of grace." I love you, I love your life, I am glad you care enough to listen to me whine...g'night my girlie.. talk to you on the morrow...:)

  2. I love you, My Beffy . . . I'd be lost without ya . . . XO.
