What Makes Ya Talky Words

Earlie Cuyler: School? Ain't dat da durn place where they got all dem uhh lets see, whatcha call um uhh? Fold outs covered in scriblins wrote up all over.
Earlie Cuyler: uhh? Books?
Earlie Cuyler: uh-uh, uh-uh, No they square like a magazine.
Sheriff: Books Earlie.
Earlie Cuyler: Noo not not that, but something like that, I wanna say boooooo ... boooooooo ... Ya know, them things what makes ya talky words.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Hmm ... What if I stomped on these a bunch and then let them rot in a barrel?

Well, well . . . Apparently, sandy clay loam and black volcanic obsidian soils, combined with a unique diurnal temperature pattern, and extremely hot days, tempered by very cool nights, slows the ripening process and enhances the flavor and complexity of the grapes that go into making my vino of choice tonight ~ Francis Coppola Diamond Cabernet Sauvignon 2006.  Who knew?!  So, it's just a $20 bottle of wine.  It's good.  Enough.  And apparently goes well with beef (steak, but not filet mignon - don't ask, because I have no idea.  However,  let's not get that mixed up, though - things could get dicey) . . . Also, lamb and goose.  None of the above, I eat. 

As a side note, though, I'd like to add that my beverage this evening 'starts with a very berry flavor and melts into a smooth, velvety finish'.  Impressive!  Whatever that seriously means. I enjoy it and all, but let's be honest - I don't really experience a lot of the 'smooth melting and velvety finish' it promises as I sip.  Either way, seems to be the perfect accompaniment to the Special K Meal Replacement Bar I'm enjoying (er, really just shoving down while I simultaneously do two thousand other things.  Hey - It's healthier than Mickey D's drive-thru, right?!).  Point being, the two REALLY do complement each other . . . Pretty sure it's the berries.  Berry flavors in the wine.  'Strawberries' in my protein bar.  It's just a great big fruit party in my mouth.

Who says you have to follow all the rules, all the time?!  Seems like the perfect combo for moi tonight.



  1. Cheers, enjoy the evening! :)

  2. (Cat ~ You took that picture of me, there at the bottom, the night we went and saw that AMAZING horror zombie flick. Awesome.)

